The best time to start with skin aging prevention is in your mid twenties, as it is during that age you can actually protract the development of wrinkles. Once emerged, it is difficult to reduce wrinkles with cream. In your age, it is important to only use products that are not too greasy as the skin is still particularly susceptible to blemishes. You also don't need any wrinkle reducing products or peelings yet. This would only make your skin more sensitive in the future. But protective lipids and substances sustaining humidity such as abounding in the dermo-active complex of sebamed Anti-Ageing S+F Lotion with Q10 or vitamin A and vitamin E existing in the sebamed F+S Cream with Q10 are neutralizing free radicals, thus decelerating the aging process. It is also good to already add the coenzyme Q10 in creams, as the skin's own production of Q10 is declining in the mid twenties. Adding this effective coenzyme prevents an early deficiency.
Usually it is sufficient to use the same cream in the mornings and in the evenings, like for example sebamed Anti-Ageing cream with Q10. In you suffer from very dry skin it can however be advisable to use a specific night cream for dry skin (Skin Dry sebamed Night Cream). As the skin has its best absorption capacity and regeneration process during the night this cream can reduce the fat deficiency and moisture accordingly, which has a strong anti-aging effect.